Our AyiConnection app features:
1. For families, users can
- Search and review profiles of local near-by bilingual caregivers and nannies that match your needs
- Post jobs anytime to receive applicants
- Contact caregivers and nannies for interviews via phone or in-app messaging
- Request a background check on caregivers
2. For caregivers and nannies, users can
- Search, review and apply to near-by jobs that match your needs
- Contact families to learn about jobs via applying jobs
- Receive messages and calls from families
- Select the option of background check to validate identity
- No fee: yes its absolutely free!
1. 对于家庭雇主:
- 寻找和查看符合要求的本地家政人员的简介
- 免费随时发布招聘广告让家政人员与您联系
- 通过电话或信息联系家政人员进行面试
- 要求家政人员调查背景
2. 对于家政人员:
- 寻找和查看符合需求的工作
- 通过联系家庭去了解工作
- 接收来自家庭的信息和电话
- 接受背景调查 (可选)
- 完全免费。我们不抽成。
- 需要我们协助注册请联系微信:ayiconnection; 并注明“注册协助”。